Infinite Possibilities: Can You Really Choose Your Reality?
Have you ever wondered how our reality is made? Are time and space real or in our minds?
The world that we experience and sense from our 5 senses is a projection in our minds. Our senses take sensory inputs and convert them into the visuals, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch we experience.
So that brings me to question: is our reality in our minds?
Let me put it this way: Is there an objective reality that we all collectively experience? Is your reality the same as mine?
Einstein once posed the question - Does the moon really exist if no one is observing it?
While mainstream physics seems to say yes…
I think not.
And this is not an original idea of mine…
Across the spectrum of time, there have been influential scientists, philosophers, and spiritual seekers who agree with this.
This is mind blowing to me.
If your mind or consciousness is in charge of building your reality from a selection of possibilities, that’s hugely empowering.
In this post, we are going to explore the concept of infinite possibilities from a scientific and a spiritual perspective - highlighting some interesting commonalities along the way.Grab a coffee and let’s dive in. This will be a fun ride…
The Scientific Perspective
Our exploration of infinite possibilities starts with Quantum Mechanics (or Physics), which is the theory of the smallest things in this universe.
The interesting part about this is that the laws of quantum mechanics are in direct conflict with traditional laws of physics that apply to the macro world.
Strange, right?
This means that what we accept as true in our traditional physics is no longer true when you look at small, subatomic particles.
For instance:
Classical Physics: Objects exist in a definite state, independent of observation.
Quantum Physics: Objects exist in multiple states (superposition) until measured or observed.
Let’s dive a bit deeper.
Reality is in a flux of possibilities until observed
The theory of superposition in quantum mechanics says that a particle (such as an electron or photon) can exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is measured or observed.
The famous double-slit experiment proves this to us wonderfully.
In this experiment, there is a beam of particles that is fired at a barrier with two slits, with a detector screen behind it.
What is very interesting is that the particles behave as though they are "waves." They create an interference pattern as seen in the red box below.
What we would have expected (using traditional / classical physics) is for the particles to create two bars - as in the middle box below.

What happens is that the beam of light behaves as a "wave", which means each particle goes through both slits together, at once - indicating a superposition of paths.
A "wave" is really a cloud of probabilities, if you will, where the particle exists. In other words, it's all possible locations the particle exists.

What's even cooler is how the particles change behavior depending on when they are measured or observed.
If you measure or observe the particles in the middle, metal sheet above, they will behave like particles and no longer waves! They will form two distinct bands.

This experiment shows us that reality is observer dependent. This means, it is directed by the conscious observer.
Here’s a short video that explains this well.
Your past is also observation dependent
In fact, what is even wilder, is that historical events can change based on information changing in the present. This video explains the double slit experiment variations where depending on when and where the observation was made, the results of the experiment were retroactively changed.
This version of the double slit experiment that shows retroactive correction is the delayed choice eraser experiments.
That's absolutely wild! That means that our reality in its present and past is observer dependent. Just because something happened in the past doesn't mean it's set in stone.
Reality in the past can change based on a change in information or observation.
Alright, so how does this all relate to infinite possibilities?
This experiment and superposition tell us that in every moment, at the smallest scale, everything is in a flux - in a cloud of probabilities. It is our mindset and observation that drives the probabilities to settle into stone.
I've always wondered - if a part of our reality had zero conscious observers, did it really exist?
If there's a fire in the forest but no one saw, heard, tasted, or smelled it - did it really happen?
More on this in another post...
Schrödinger’s Cat: Multiple realities can exist at once even at the macro scale
You may have heard about Schrödinger’s Cat.
Schrödinger’s Cat is a famous thought experiment proposed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 to illustrate the paradox of quantum superposition and wavefunction collapse.
Imagine a cat is placed inside a sealed box with:
- A radioactive atom that has a 50% chance of decaying within an hour.
- A Geiger counter that detects radiation.
- A vial of poison that will be released if the counter detects decay.
Now, before we open the box, all of this is true:
- The radioactive atom is in a superposition of both decayed and undecayed states.
- Since the cat’s fate depends on this atom, the cat must also be in a superposition of both "alive" and "dead" states simultaneously.
Only when we open the box and observe does the system collapse into either "alive" or "dead" state.
Frequent observation (and obsession) can reduce possibilities
Have you heard the saying:
A watched pot never boils
The Quantum Zeno Effect is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where frequent observation prevents a system from evolving—similar to the idea that "a watched pot never boils."
Maybe you've experienced this in your life...if you are constantly obsessing and observing something and expecting an outcome, it doesn't happen.
Sometimes when you take action and let go, we let the quantum swirl of possibilities to manifest our reality.
This is a good segue into the realm of spirituality.
The Spiritual Perspective
Spirituality means different things to different people. To me, it's about learning about our existence and purpose through a dimension beyond our physical experience.
What does spirituality say about infinite possibilities?
Personally, my spiritual knowledge is influenced by Sadhguru, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joseph Nyugen and a few others.
A recurring theme from many spiritual leaders is that we have a choice of using our limited mind - that's optimized for survival and is generally fear-driven
divine intelligence - call it intuition, loving energy, or universe. If you use your conditioning and mental shackles aka limited mind, your actions are limited and you are not open to infinite possibilities.
However, if you choose divine intelligence or an open, creative perspective that's not dependent on your past, you can create your dream life.
I've always been curious to learn more about how we can connect to the energy that is the universe.
Science and the scientific path also grapples at the quantum level where the notion of time, space, and objective reality are all questioned.
Our shared consciousness has an intelligence far beyond what we call our "intelligence" (our mind's limited, accumulated knowledge).
That's how an embryo grows up to be a human (not an apple or a lion), or how when we eat food, the food becomes human.
Accessing this divine intelligence opens up limitless possibilities in your life. As consciousness (and going back to quantum physics again), through observation and perception, we create our reality.
In other words, we block limitless possibilities through our mindset, beliefs, and feelings.
Here are some ways to open up to infinite possibilities as learned from some of my favorite spiritual teachers:
- Letting go of control and detaching from the outcome will help you manifest an outcome you never could have possibly thought of.
- Going back to the "watched pot never boils" analogy. Controlling and obsessing over an outcome (aka the boiling) can freeze quantum states which are observer dependent.
- When you want something but let go of control, you may have noticed synchronicity or serendipitous events in your life. For me, the path my career had taken was very much serendipitous.
- Your beliefs matter. In the book Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck, she says that our believes shape our reality. Believing that you can achieve with effort and learning can open up many doors for you.
- You may have heard of the quote by Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right."
- View each moment as if for the first time. This one has rung very true for me. When you approach a person or situation bringing your "baggage" - your belief system, past experiences, and feelings - you see limited outcomes to what is possible through that lens.
Instead, what if you saw each situation as if for the very first time? This could give you a different perspective on the situation rather than your go-to.
For instance, if it's someone that has previously offended you. You may go in to meet that person with the same mindset - expecting offense or expecting some agitation. Most likely, that's what you'll experience. But, if you went in meeting that person for the very first time - you may be surprised at what unfolds.
Instead as you meditate, you may realize more and more what your go-to reactions and recurring thoughts are. It is when you are aware that you can choose again (and choose a different perspective, perhaps one aligned more to your goals) as Gabrielle Bernstein says. - Abundance vs. fear mindset. Being grateful for what you have creates feelings of abundance which can help you attract more of the things you desire. If you create from a fear-based or scarcity mindset, you limit your creation.
- Using divine thoughts vs. your limited thinking. In his bestselling book "Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering," Joseph Nguyen encourages us to clear our mind and wait for divine guidance or what you may call your intuition.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. If this sparked curiosity, subscribe to my newsletter for more explorations into the science and spirituality of existence! I'd love to hear from you.